About Us

We are a group of volunteers who love and respect animals, both domestic and wild. We were inspired by Mona Roberts, a resident of Bermuda Bay, who during her 18 years in BallenIsles Mona has devoted herself to the rescue and rehabilitation of animals in need. When she expressed a desire to “retire,” several of us stepped in to continue her work and expand her mission.

Thanks to the support of BallenIsles Community Association and BallenIsles Country Club, in January 2014 we emerged as the BallenIsles Wildlife Foundation (BIWF), a Section 501(C)3 charitable organization.

Word of our mission drew other like-minded volunteers. In addition, we reached out to other communities and organizations with similar interests.  BIWF is gratified by the support from other organizations, such as the Admiral’s Cove and Ibis Wildlife Foundations, Busch Wildlife, Arthur R. Marshall Foundation for the Everglades, Florida Fish and Wildlife, Furry Friends, Caring Fields, Animal Hero Kids, the Humane Society of the Treasure Coast, and Peggy Adams. 

We have accomplished much thus far. The future of BIWF promises even more progress toward making life in beautiful BallenIsles an even more enjoyable experience for ALL our inhabitants.